
Recognition Programs

Lifetime Achievement Award

Annually, the Moose Associations each nominate one Lodge member within their Moose Association to be considered for the honor of being recognized as the Order’s Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. The Associations each determine their own criteria for selecting their nominee. All Association nominees are judged and ranked, with just one Moose Fraternity member recognized during the International Moose Convention for their career of service and dedication to their Moose Lodge, Moose Chapter, Moose Legion, Moose Association, and the Order.

Congratulations to William Greenfield from West Side, LA Lodge 2007 who was this year’s Lifetime Achievement winner!

Premier Lodge Award

Beginning May 1, 2024 through April 30, 2025, in order to earn the Premier Lodge Award a Lodge must:

1) Increase Active Membership over the fiscal year ended 4/30/2024

2) Increase in Total Giving to Moose Charities, excluding amounts for Safe Surfin’ over the fiscal year ending 4/30/2024. Includes Youth Awareness and individual Donor Circle donations to Moose Charities for your members.


Lodge per capita contributions to Moose Charities during the fiscal year ending 4/30/2025 must equal or exceed the fraternity-wide per capita average of $8.69 per member (as established during the prior 2 calendar years)

3) Submit Heart of the Community Reports and receive a grade of “Good” or better on each report

4) Indebtedness on the monthly Moose International Consolidated Billing Statement is less at April 30, 2025 than the balance due shown on the May of 2024 statement (any April 30, 2025 balance of zero or less is considered less than the prior year)

5) Submission of Moose of the Year nomination form by established deadline

6) Lodge must be represented at the 2024 International Convention

7) Lodge must remit Endowment Fund contributions to Moose Charities in at least 10 months during the year

8) Lodge must hold an Orientation/Lodge enrollment a minimum of every two months during the year

Congratulations to this year’s winners! View the full listing here.

Leadership Awards

When the Lodge qualifies for the Premier Lodge Award, both the President and/or Administrator can earn a Leadership Award, qualifying each of them for 100,000 Moose Rewards points. In order to qualify, the following criteria must be met individually:

– Must serve a full term from May 1 through the following April 30th
– Must be an active Chapter/Moose Legion member at the close of their term, April 30th
– Must sponsor at least three members into the Moose during term of office
– Must, during their term of office, have personally attended all meetings below during their year of service (Alternate Delegates qualify for a Lodge’s representation but does NOT qualify for the Leadership Award)

  • Association Annual Convention AND Association Mid-Year Conference
  • 2024 Moose International Convention

– Must have successfully completed the minimum required training, pursuant to the Training rules and regulations

Without exception, ALL of the above conditions MUST be met in order to qualify for the award.

***At the discretion of the Chief Compliance Officer, a Lodge may be disqualified from earning the Premier Lodge Award or Leadership Award for failing to abide by our General Laws.

Congratulations to this year’s winners! View the full listings for both President and Administrator.