
Chairman of the Board

A Note from the Chairman of the Board

The lodges in our Fraternity are amazing!

Traveling across the country to visit the lodges in our Fraternity is an awesome experience! From East to West, North to South – the welcome Linda and I have received is nothing short of astonishing. Each lodge we have visited has a story to tell…a story of working together to accomplish goals that they once though were beyond their reach. It truly shows that “a burden heavy to one – is born lightly by many”…a story of a Proud Past in creating their Bright Future!

Our visits have been humbling…such as visiting the Flight 93 Memorial and standing on hallowed ground there to visiting the great Northwest to stand on the same ground as the early explorers of Lewis and Clark as they gazed at the Pacific Ocean. It has also been historical in visiting Colonial Williamsburg and having the opportunity to shoot a musket…much the same as our forefathers did centuries ago.

The same is the story of many of the lodges we have visited…from humble beginnings and struggles to succeed…into lodges which are now growing in membership due to hard work and by offering many activities for their members to enjoy. They have improved the appearance of their lodge homes to satisfy the needs of their members. They have reached out and continue to strive for their “Bright Future.”

Two of the major holidays our members enjoy are right around the corner…the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas.  With “thankfulness” and “generosity” our lodges will open their lodge doors to not only their members…but also to those in time of need. That should make each of us proud to be a member of this great Fraternity.

Linda, myself, and our entire family would like to wish each of you the happiest of the holiday season!

The Moose is Strong – it is Time to Belong!


John R. Sipes, Chairman
Moose International Board of Directors

Download: Chairman of the Board Bio
Download: Chairman of the Board Travel Schedule