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Lodge Administrators and Chapter Recorders now have the ability to run reports of their own Valued Veterans in the Moose Admin section of the Moose International website.
To begin, log-in to your Moose Admin account. When you click on reports, you will notice a new dropdown for Valued Veterans has been added. You will be able to customize your report to reflect Active, Deceased, Dropped, Expired, or Terminated Valued Veterans.
Annual Program Timeline
Recommended Semi-Annual Recognition Ceremony Format
Important Points to Note
1. All Valued Veterans are regarded equally in this program, regardless of their military accolades. The focus in this program is more on our Valued Veterans’ service in the community beyond their military contributions: “Moose Members Serving Then… and NOW!”
2. Overall, we are not attempting to be all things to all veterans. It is not our goal to become a national service provider like the VFW or the American Legion. Instead, it is our goal to provide the most comprehensive support and recognition to our Valued Veterans within the parameters of our existing resources. The most efficient and effective way of doing this is serving as a hub of information for lodges and for our Valued Veterans; connecting them to already established organizations that have the experience and resources to help them best.
3. Efforts done on behalf of our own Moose Valued Veterans will not be given Heart of the Community credit. Any efforts done that ‘help our own’ are not outreaching to non-members and, therefore, are not considered ‘community service.’ Moose members help other moose members, it is what we do. This is more of an internal program that delivers special benefits to the veterans’ subset of our membership.
4. This program is specifically intended to recognize and support veterans; those who have received their discharge papers and face struggles commonly associated with reintegrating back into civilian society. Therefore, this program in not intended for members currently active in the military.