
Moose International Disaster Relief Fund

The Fund will assist lodges impacted by natural disasters in the form of property damage and loss of business due to temporary closure.

The following guidelines apply:

The Moose Disaster Relief Fund (MDRF) addresses emergency situations that have received an official disaster declaration by either the state/province or the President or Prime Minister. Funds can be used to restore property, pay urgent expenses, reimburse deductibles or fund other items as approved by the MDRF Committee due to loss of business during closure. Examples of natural disasters include, but are not limited to: tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, wildfires, etc.

The MDRF Committee shall be comprised of the Director General, Chief Financial Officer, General Counsel, Chief Marketing Officer and the Director of Membership.

To be eligible for assistance from the MDRF, Fraternal Units must meet the following requirements:

  • Lodge or Chapter must be in good standing with its Association and Moose International;
  • The Lodge must be covered by an active insurance policy and current with its property and liability payments;
  • The Lodge or Chapter must have incurred loss or damage due solely to a natural disaster and not from damage or deterioration caused by gradual processes such as decay, pollution or erosion, etc. or actions by an individual or object unrelated to a natural disaster;
  • The Lodge or Chapter must submit a MDRF application for financial assistance.

Relief requests will be considered up to $10,000 per incident. Insurance coverage and other local/regional relief fund distributions to the Lodge or Chapter will be considered before any MDRF funds are granted.

Funds may be used to cover insurance deductibles; expenses for which immediate payment is due; funds to cover expenses if business is interrupted; funds to conduct events that have already been scheduled; or rent expense to meet away from the lodge, if closed due to disaster.

The Committee may also approve additional disaster-related expenses at its discretion.

Relief funds are positioned as grants to the Lodge or Chapter, therefore no repayment is required.

No individual member requests for assistance will be accepted.

The Lodge or Chapter has 60 days from the date of the disaster to apply for a MDRF distribution, although the Committee may consider applications filed after 60 days in some unique cases. For ongoing disasters (i.e. wildfires, etc.) the filing should occur within 60 days after the point when damage is assessable.

Individual, Fraternal Unit and Association contributions to the MDRF will not be accepted. (However, Individual, FRU or Association contributions for a specific incident may still be made directly to a FRU which has been impacted by a natural disaster)

To apply for MDRF assistance, please provide:

  • The MDRF application, which must be completed in its entirety.
  • A written description of how the disaster impacted the Lodge or Chapter and for what expenses the requested funds will be used.
  • The name and address of your insurance company and deductible amount must be included. A written assessment from the insurance company and estimate for any repairs should be included if available.
  • Digital photos documenting the damage that occurred for which you are asking assistance should be submitted as noted on the application.
  • Copies of specific bills or expenses for which you are requesting reimbursement, if available.
  • Information on where to forward approved relief funds.
  • A recommendation for assistance from your Territory Manager.
  • The signature of the Administrator or Recorder and one other officer of the Lodge or Chapter.

Questions regarding the MDRF can be forwarded to disasterfund@mooseintl.org; faxed to 630-966-2251; or call 630-966-2226.